How it works

Learn how easy and quick CommonKey can make your team more secure and productive in minutes.

Watch the CommonKey NYTM demo here.

Registering and installing the browser extension

To get started, navigate to the dashboard. Getting setup is easy with the following steps:

  1. Register for a CommonKey account on the dashboard.
  2. Install our browser extension (Chrome and Firefox) to fully utilize CommonKey.

Once complete, you'll be setup and ready to start managing the keys to your company! Watch the video tutorial

The Dashboard

Manage your accounts by going to the dashboard OR opening the browser extension and clicking the "Dashboard" button. On the main dashboard screen, you can:

  • easily create a COMPANY and TEAMS
  • add USERS and control ACCESS
  • MANAGE and SHARE accounts

Watch the video tutorial

Storing Accounts

There are two ways to store accounts to your CommonKey account:

  1. The browser extension's login auto-detect feature. When you log into a website, the browser extension will prompt you to save the login credentials to your CommonKey account. You can verify the information and save it to ether your PERSONAL list or COMPANY.
  2. The dashboard's "Add Account" button. You can choose to either add an account from a list of over 800 approved apps, create a custom credential, OR add an existing account you've already added.

Watch the video tutorial

Company Administration

From the company dashboard, you can:

  • CREATE teams to share accounts
  • ADD accounts to the company
  • GRANT users access to a team
  • MANAGE user permissions

Watch the video tutorial

Invitations and Sharing

You can invite users by clicking on the "Invite Users" or "Add Users" buttons from the company dashboard and entering their email address into the invitation form.

When you add a user to a team, an invitation is sent via email and shown on their CommonKey dashboard and extension until the user responds.

If the team member doesn't have a CommonKey account, they'll be sent an email with your request and instructions to sign up.

Watch the video tutorial

Learn more about setting up CommonKey by watching our video tutorials